Monday 3 February 2014


IT WAS MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL YESTERDAY AT TP AND I SWEAR IT WAS AWESOMEEEE. Before I elaborate more about yesterday, and about CNY, lemme just rant alittle HAHAHA.

Okay so I have the mood to sing todayyy and since mum was over at the neighbour's house, I thought.. Why not? I can give it a go right? Well kinda. I actually wanted to sing "Melancholic" by Rin Kagamine but realsied that the chorus was too quick for me to follow :( So I settled with "Pierrot" (Kei) version and woah what would you know? I thought I sung it pretty well after listening to a test trial! But of courseeee something have to happen right? haahahha ;A;  YES. My . Mum . Came .  Back. OMGGGG THAT AWKWARD AWKWARD MOMENT WHERE I JUST STOPPED SINGING COMPLETELY LOL AWKWARDDD CREY CREY I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING WELL TOO SOBBU SOBBU . Uploaded it to youtube anyway LOL. I must finish this cover!!

Okay! So uhm happy CNY people! Idk about you or does CNY get more boring by the year? :/ or maybe just this year Idk.Or maybe it's just me? I guess so. I think.. LOL. Didnt do much visiting as compared to the year before so not much angpao..

Next, I wanna talk about my first day of school yesterday! It was super fun! Of course I believe the rest of school wouldnt be that fun but uhm. Well, I can enjoy what they give us first. Looking at the schedule, I think I would have alot of revision to do after each lesson >.< Ah wells! It was really awkward when I first went into the lecture theatre because I do not know ANYONE at all. Well except for the group of ESSS people but uhm whats the point of mixing with them again when you know them. I obviously dont fit in there and its a rather good opportunity for me to make new friends! So why not? Might as well go for it right? I awkwardly striked up a conversation with my rowmates HAHAHA and uhm well, i made my first few poly friends! HOORAH. Basically the rest of the time we listened to a lecture and also, we were split into groups so I guess it's easier that way? Which is easier in a sense to make friends! HAHAHAHA. I cant exactly remember most of my teammates but I remember we have 3 rachels, batman, Melvin, April, G, hanyang , Jack and Xiaoqi. Our group leaders are really cute too! Especially during the MRT game HAHAHA well, its pretty obvious that they're really close to each other! I really had alot of fun :) Oh yes and tomorrow would be our forest adventures thingy which sounds extremely fun! Im really scared of the flying fox tho ;w; damnnn .
That should be all for today! I promise to go update my stories or write a one shot soon ;w; byeeeee

 End of self camwhores when i was bored
TPDPA2014 T05

Andddd my cover

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