Monday 28 July 2014


Did you miss me? HAHA Not like I really cared anyway >w> It's a lie (I do care). It's been so long since I've updated my blog and I'm really really really sorry for that! I've been extremely busy and stuff so I haven't really got time to update my blog. Hope you all understand HEH

The very first thing I'm gonna elaborate about is the fact that BEN IS IN SINGAPORE GOSH THAT BOY DIDNT EVEN TELL US BUT YES HES FINALLY BACK. We had a catch up session (FINALLY) and it just hit me how busy all of us are and its really tough for us to find a day where we are all free to actually hang out.. And when we actually did, we forgot to take a selfie with Ben--- GOSH we're so forgetful .

***Author's note: Basically I have been dragging and dragging and dragging for this blog post that I kinda forgot what I wanted to include in this post  omg Im super forgetful...

OH YES, due to EOY coming soon (I may or may not be going) , I'd probably costest soon. And the character is quite simple.. and is very VERY similar to me. So try and guess ;))) Inbox me what character you think I'll costest.. Or rather, tell me through askfm because my askfm is uberrrr dead! OF COURSE, dont ask anoymously! And I'll give you a special fansign! Oh oh, to qualify for a fansign, Comment a :3 on the link that i'll be sharing! I'll be watching 8D

Recently I've been very busy.. Yes I'm supposed to be doing my work now but I thought I would spare some time to update my blog again since its been so long since I haven't update in so long. So why not right? Mainly I've been busy with my schoolwork, projects and CCA.. and of course, sulking over very minor matters. I mean.. I'm still a kid! I'm allowed to sulk. Hmph

Also, i FINALLY caught up with Kuroshitsuji manga and GOSH ALL MY FEELS. Cant wait for the next chapter to come out! And I think i fell for Snake <3 He's soooooo cute omg 8/10 (because he's not wearing specs) I like Ciel's dark side and how they actually show how he broke down too. This just shows how human we all are, no matter how stoic we may seem. We still have that bit of humanity in us that make us weak. Because thats what humans are. Weak and selfish. Of course, myself included/.  In fact, I may be considered as one of the more selfish ones as i WHINE ALOT. AHAHAHA.

OH YES. You know, so many people are like.. getting into relationships now and like.. girls have really high standards for guys and all, I just need someone who wears specs man, and is cute. HAHAHA . Of course, being a bufflord is a bonus <3.

I'm so annoyedddd at the weather! It's been very very hot recently UGH me no like. So hot I cannot help but complain. And like... I wanna wear singlets and all but myarms are too fat for singlets  ughhh time to work out 8'D

Been missing my boys alot. Dunno why, it seems like Im having withdrawal symptoms from them. Hais.
I guess I shall end my blog post here! Before I forget, here's my!
Oh yea STOP SENDING ME WEIRD SEXUAL STUFF LOLOL And seriouslyyy if you wanna ask me if i sleep with a bra on ASK.ME.IN.MY.FACE. (Ask me other questions LOL)


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