Tuesday 24 June 2014

Hey Guys!

So I finally have the time again to update this! Of course, a major shoutout to Ben, Clems and Mels because I miss them so much! Also, if not for Ben, I wouldn't  update anytime soon because I'm way too lazyyyyy.

Nowadays, I barely have anytime to myself as I'm swamped with projects and CCA and socialising in general! LOL I realised every holiday to me is not really like a holiday.. Im really sad to say that my money is like.. running low OMFG I really need to start working soon to get back the money //sobs ass out

Also, I went to watch the WUFC 2014! WUFC stands for "World University Floorball Championships" I only managed to watch Finland vs Czech Republic! To be honest, I was really torn between these two teams because I LOVE BOTH SOB. But in this game I supported Czech because I thought they were more prepared than Finland. Sadly, Czech lost by like.. 1 point. WHICH IS A PITY SOB. If it's a draw, I really wanna see them shoot penalties .. Their penalties are BEAUTIFUL. Just saying. The guys are handsome too, and play well. Handsome dudes who play sports. Me likey. I managed to take photos with most of the Czech team but not all of them sadly :( I also wanted to take photos with the Finland keeper but he kinda rejected me :( Hais . Ah wells! I managed to talk to him! What an honour *^* Oh, I don't have to mention that they all tower over me right? Including the female keepers. Sob. It was a good experience though! Seeing them play in real life is super life changing I SWEAR. THEY PLAY SO BEAUTIFULLY I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT BESIDE THEM .

Speaking of which, I went to floorball training yesterday and I was seriously out of shape I tell you. It was so intense to me that black spots were literally forming in my vision. That's how bad it was. Hais. But it was fun I guess. I managed to not concede any goals in the last 30mins. Which was fabulous. heheh. The coach praised me for the first time! Much wow very satisfied HAHAHA.

Okay so before my laptop die off and run out of batt before I get to Skype ben clems and mels, I'll end this post for now!

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