Tuesday 10 June 2014

Hello people!

So it's the holidays now! You know what that means - I can blog more! Provided I'm not lazy :) Hopefully I am not because I'm pretty sure my expressive skills descreased.. :( I feel like I cant express myself properly through words.. or rather, it dont feel as right as it should feel ahahah

So recently, my cheeks became chubbier =.= HAIS. I blame MSTs man, I really blame MSTs! :( Although I'm not doing much about it ( my weight gain ) HAHA so I can only blame myself tbh. But anyway, with no more PE, and me skipping floorball alot, I have little to no physical exercise time.. And considering the fact that I actually sit on my butt studying (yes legit) .. it's no wonder I got fat :( From now on I really have to control my diet and exercise man.. I dont wanna become overweight and shit :(

Also, in my previous post, I mentioned that I was the External Relations sub com member .. okay Im not sure if I mentioned but yeaaaaaaaaa isnt that cool? Well to me it is and that's all that matters :P Our ER head is a really cool person named Sharon, and I'm pretty sure I can learn a lot from her! She's really nice and so petite omggg super adorbs. Also, we were given our first few tasks and I must say it is somewhat tedious but it is really lots of fun! I don't regret getting this role man. I truly enjoy this! I can't wait to meet our exco and sub comms omg. It's been waaay too long! Also, I only met them once so i cant exactly remember most of them hais .. Me and my horrible memory :( I'm really hyped up for our upcoming events!! Especially our bonding camp, which is gonna happen on the 20 and 21 june! Im pretty sure it's gonna be a blast!

Alrighties, I'll end here for today! I know, today's post is really short but I have some other stuff to attend to soo.. yea! Bye for now!

Some really really overdue pictures :x
 Finally managed to meetup with my two primary school besties!
 Writing and presentation skills (WPS) formal presentation day!

 WPS group
 DPA CCN haunted house day!

 Aye my boys!

 IHT la sial xD

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