Wednesday 4 June 2014

Heya guys!

It's been a really long time since I've blogged! Gosh I feel kinda weird typing my feelings out now HAHAHA. But don't worry, I will finish this post 8'D Hopefully..

So, how have all of you been? Good? I certainly hope so! I.. can't exactly say I'm feeling that good I guess.. I have my ups and downs HAHAHA. First things first, I'll touch on my cosplay life. I know I haven't been very active cosplaying/photoshooting/going for events, but I have been really busy recently :( So hopefully when I settle down nicely in poly, I'll cosplay more! I hope.. I kind of lost the feeling to cosplay... Maybe because I'm too busy recently and I've grown fat HAHAHA. Anyway, I signed up for the Neko Niwa maid cafe but I havent gone to the auditions yet soo.. yea. I wanna get chosen *^* Because that'll be a new experience! And i think it'll be fun being a waitress while cosplaying! heheh.

Gosh it's only a paragraph and I'm already feeling like I wanna abandon completing this post HAHA. Anyway, the next topic I'll touch on is what I joined in TP. Or more specifically, what CCA I joined :3 I joined Floorball again, Adventure club, FCG (french cultural group), TPISG and CSC! I bet by now you must be wondering why I joined so many ccas! Well, they arent that time consuming and I can go whenever I want so.. its all good 8D Its not stressful at all, well for now that is. Can I just say that floorball in secondary school and poly are different? Its like .. I'm so used to playing 4v4 but now in poly they play 5v5. That kinda sucks because I always neglect that last man. And it can cause me many many goals. Also, the standard of floorball is way higher. I mean, why wouldnt it? Its a whole new level man, and I dont know if I can withstand remaining in floorball hais.

Now about my class! My wonderful 1H03. Well, I'd say.. the chemistry is definitely there but nothing beats Oppai man. I'm not saying that my class is bad but.. I guess we just need more time to adapt HAHAHA. They're all great people ! But sometimes i do get really intimidated because they're all smart and im here like.. dumb HAHA. The girls in this class are all so pretty as well and here I am, like an ugly potato HAIYO, even their sense of fashion are wayyyy better than mine HAHA IM PRETTY MUCH THE MOST LUPSUP BUSINESS GIRL HAIS. Oh yea! We did our first formal presentation together! hehehe all of us in formal attire like ehyyyyy we da bomb HAHAHA . I must say we look mighty awesome!

Alrightiessss that's a brief summary of my life now, and you gotta deal with it :P at least until term tests are over! Then I'll update with a more detailed version. 8D Take care guys!


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