Friday 25 April 2014

Hey guys!

So today I had my HTM orientation! Like only HTM that kinda orientation you know? so yeaaa it was really fun! Today's post would mainly center around that!

Today was considered a really long day for me as I was in TP from 9am to 10pm, and I was down with a slight fever and flu. I was barely surviving with the help of panadol flu max! (free advertising) Lessons were okay I guess! POM isn't as bad as it seems and I think the topic that I really dislike taking would be the research on hospitality and tourism. Which is about.. research and data so it's a pretty dry topic! I didn't listen at all in the lecture omg I feel really bad for the lecturer he seem to be enjoying himself teaching us ya know? Ah well

Anyway, I made quite a few friends this week! All thanks to Ryan ! I swear he's spoiling me okay. I feel really pampered by them and as much as it's a good thing, it makes me expect many things from people in general. (He's a gentleman) . Hmmm so I befriended his friends Jonas and Darius and they're really cute! Hahaha sooo both of them wears specs and Darius is really tall.. Jonas on the other hand is uhm.. slightly taller than me and can i just say how cute both of them are because they wear specs (my fetish) AHAHA. Okay la they are really nice people, awkward at first but are really nice. I then met Zhi Yong a day after! He wears specs too and is really adorable ahaha I'm surrounded by adorable people haha. Also there are those three that I met today but i forgot their names omg I'm so mean ;w; but yeaaa they are nice people too!

Today's orientation was a blast! It was held in the evening until around 9 (supposedly) but in the end we ended at 10pm.. Ryan who went for kayaking trails had to wait close to an hour for me and omg you're such a pal for waiting for me thank youuu. Jonas too! oh oh and thanks Jonas for the drink as well! You see why I say I get pampered alot when I hang out with the guys? Yep. Anyway, on to the actual orientation.. It was really fun! Mainly because of the really 'on' girls and it made the activities all so lively and fun! My class, 1H03 are filled with adorable people too omg all so cute de. We were runner up for some award.. and well thats amazing! I really think this year would be filled with lots of fun with this class man :)

Oh yea and I kinda signed up for the Doki Doki meido cafe thingy soooo if I pass the audition, I'd be a meido in the cafe AHAHA LIKE COOL ONLY PLEASE #swag but yea anyway I hope I could get in! I really need a cosplay shoot soon too ;w;

A selfie as always :3
Ryan attempting to braid my hair AHAHA (he did it!)


Friday 18 April 2014

Simply liking you won't satisfy me. Simply admiring you won't satiate me. Today, too, the only thing real is my loneliness. If I go see you now, I'll surely end up crying.
I fell in love with you. In a sunset, filled with the scent of the wind, when I recall your voice and your smiles, I immediately become happy.
I fell in love with you, but I haven't been able to tell anyone yet. When I recall your voice and the way you talk, even though I'm alone I'll become happy.
The feeling of loneliness...forlorn. The feeling of love...sparkling. As I'm unable to differentiate between these two feelings, my heart becomes slowly crushed in the sunset.
Simply liking you won't satisfy me. Simply admiring you won't satiate me. Today, too, the only thing real is my loneliness. If I go see you now, I'll surely end up crying.
I fell in love with you. On a Sunday, filled with the scent of the rain, when I recall your laughter as you turn back to look at me, I immediately become wanting to see you.
This secret feeling...swaying. This bewildered feeling...softly. As I'm unable to embrace both of them into my arms, my heart becomes slowly crushed in the sunset.
Simply liking you won't satisfy me. Simply admiring you won't satiate me. Once the morning light pours in, I, with courage, will say "I like you!"
Simply liking you won't satisfy me. Simply admiring you won't satiate me. Today, too, the only thing real is my loneliness. If I go see you now, I'll surely end up crying.
Simply liking you won't satisfy me. Simply admiring you won't satiate me. Once the morning light pours in, I, with courage, will say "I like you!"
Taken from,_Boku_wa_Kimi_ni_Ai_ni_Yuku

I know my atittude towards you havent been the best lately, and I've been a bitch. Just wanted to let you know that Im sorry >_< Gosh I miss you like crazy 

Monday 14 April 2014

Heyya guys!

I'm back from my trip to Thailand! And let me just say how happy I am to be here in Singapore again because the weather here isn't as bad as in Thailand. It's extremely hot there!~ So today's post is gonna be quite long considering the fact that I have like 3 parts to this post today. (Yea I know it's pretty surprising how I'm actually sectioning my post today HAHA) Okay so, the parts would be 1. Book reviews 2. My current feelings about a certain guy who can't be named (suggested by Al) and lastly, about my trip to Thailand!

Hmm.. for book reviews.. I'm not exactly sure which books I wanna do a review on since I finished reading like... 4 books HAHAH so uhm if I could actually last that long I'd type down reviews for all the books! The first book that I would be reviewing is this book that I borrowed from the library HAHA so uhm yea the title of the book is "Young Samurai - The way of the Dragon" and it is written by Chris Bradford. I really don't know what to say about this book .. it's really deep yet humourous at times but mostly it teaches you lessons. I mean, what can you expect from a book about Samurai? The usual code of Bushido (The way of the warrior) and lots of life lessons would be taught.

When I picked up this book , I knew there would be deaths because it was obvious that it looked like they were going to war but.. I was still really upset about their deaths.. (heck yes this is a spoiler) but everyone.. well almost everyone died fighting except for Yori, Akiko and Jack. JUST GIVE ME A MOMENT LET ME SOB  OVER SABURO'S DEATH DAMMIT QAQ  I think it's pretty obvious that they wouldn't kill Jack off because he's the main character of the book and I was right HAHA. I thought that there was also a hint of romance in this book as well between Jack and Akiko buuuut in the end they did not end up together :( Jack left for England HAIS. HAIS I TELL YOU. I was expecting them to end up together but nooooooOOOOOooo they didn't :( I'm so upset right now oh gosh .. Oh and I really didn't expect Dragon Eye to be Hattori Tatsuo BUT HE IS. To be honest I wasn't really surprised that he sent a shadow to take his place at the execution ground. But I guess it's expected of an evil man such as Hattori to resort to such underhand means to survive, even if it means sending an innocent man to his grave. Well, I would strongly recommend this book because it's AMAZING and it almost made me cry.. ALMOST. So it's good. GO READ IT. I rate this book 4.5/5. Long live Niten Ichi Ryu!

The next book that I'll be reviewing would be "Hidden" by conleyswifey on Wattpad. This is a book I've just finished reading like.. a few hours ago. And yes I'm still not over it HAHAH. This book is unique in the sense that it's about a man, who was locked up in the attic. Now, it isn't very surprising now isn't it? Especially so if you have heard lots of abusive stories in your entire life haha. The main characters of this story is Amelia (The younger sis) , Allie (the older sis) and a guy in the attic named Michael. Sooo as the name suggests, Michael is an angel, despite his gnarly appearance when he first appeared in the book. Actually, when you hear the name "Michael" , there's a high possibility that this dude is a nice guy because "Michael" is an agel's name in the Bible If I'm not mistaken? (I'm not christian so I'm not exactly sure, but I think someone mentioned before that Michael is an Angel's name. ) So yea! That gave me a clue of how things were going to progress ESPECIALLY when there's a girl involved blah blah you know that usual love story where there are two guys one girl and one of the guys is like the really rich snobby but charming and lusty (This word exists in my dictionary) kinda guy and the other is not rich, gentle, charming, not that handsome but is still handsome, and is broken inside that kinda thign and the girl will obviously choose the latter guy and yea, that's pretty much the story HAHA omg I make it sound so boring but actually it's not all that boring.. My description may sound borign and I won't deny it but that's literally most of the plot of love stories out there and I read enough to know the possible endings of all the love stories HEH. BUt it's also bad because that emans that I can predict the stories and it doesn't seem that exciting anymore I guess :( Nevertheless, that won't deter me from reading more books hehe. So uhm one thing that irritated me the most is how insecure Allie is.. Well, I know in real life I'm also really insecure (and mayhap even more than her) But like it just gets irritating ya know? ( and yes I do get irritated by myself too because of how insecure I am) So uhm yea. I really do not need to read about another reflection of me in a storybook HAHA. But the difference between us is that she has gone through farrrr worse than me AND she also have a boyfriend which turned into a fiance and finally a husband (And here I am forever alone) . Anyway, not that I mind being heheh.. for now I guess.

The last book that I'd be reviewing (for today. Im tired and I still have 2 parts of my blog to complete)  would be "That's just the beginning" by "Istolethecookiez" on wattpad as well. (I love reading wattpad okay hehe don't judge omg I sound like a complete nerd but that's okay i guess) Hmm, this story is like a high school romance kinda story where you know, the guy is a popular jock and is handsome, nice abs and stuff like that while the girl is not really well known in school, prefers to keep a low profile that sorta thing. So this story is really really sweet and uhm the character names are Adrian and the .. girl (shit i forgot her name). ANYWAY, adrian is this really cute bad boy kinda guy . Mysterious, tall dark and handsome (totally my type okay) and also a little goofy, but will be serious when the time calls for it. OH. THE GIRL'S ANME IS FIONA. RIGHT, FIONA. Moving on, it's like a.. Skinny love kinda story you know? Just that they end up together HEHEHE omg I want a guy like Adrian so tsun <3 But he got a little irritating when he got jealous BUT THAT WAS SIMPLY ADORABLE OKAY I LOVE HIM SO MUCH that adorable idiot . Oh, did I mention that they were neighbours too? I think that is like the main highlight of this whole story haha


On to the next part! Which is about this guy-who-cant-be-named. At least not now HAHAH omg it's already so xiasuey to type my feelings here but yah well, since Al requested it I might as well i guess (See Im such a good wifey) I think this part is gonna be quite messy because my thoughts are messy and I'm just gonna pen down whatever that is on top of my mind first LOL Hopefully, this guy don't read this post omg xiasuey okay super xiasuey but I'm gonna do it anyway because YOLO. Also, I know it's not wise to put down so much of my feelings in the internet and especially so when my blog is not private but like I guess I really needa let it go on my blog HAHA omg xiasuey max okay. but here goes nothing.

Oh my gosh I'm so apprehensive for writing this I feel like an obsessed baka and I know he don't feel the same as I do for him BUT it's okay, I'm used to it (this phrase is SO overused but I'll use it anyway because I truly am used to it I mean the guys I like don't usually like me back but yea) .

Hmm, let me give you a brief history of my love life. My first crush was when I was in Sec 1, and uhm when I look back I wondered why I like him LOL omg sorry dude but I know you wont be reading this so its fine but yea, I dont know what attracted me to you at that time, but I guess I was just an impulsive little kiddo back then. and uhmmmm I got rejected LOL HAHA shit but yah I got rejected LOLOLOL . Then a year later I got into a relationship with a cosplayer, that will not be named as well but when I think back it didn't really feel like a relationship but rather, it was more like a reliance on a dude and it felt as though i was more in love with the thought of being in a relationship rather than him himself and I'm pretty sure that both of us were to immature for a relationship? Or maybe its just me being the immature one. Well, we broke up on a good note 6 months later and uhm I was single for basically the rest of the time until now, with no crushes on anyone and an absolute zero interest in being tied down in a relationship. Yea I said it, I didn't have any interest in being in a relationship with anyone. Which brings me to my current life now. Which is still zero unless you count the fact that I'm crushing on another guy again. Haha yea, there was that nagging feeling in my heart to stay away from him but I didn't listen and there we go, the usual cliche kinda love story where the girl just falls for the guy like the idiot she is. Well, I never thought I would actually like anyone again (well, at least for now) but I did. LOL what an idiot . So uhm this guy, truthfully I never thought I would like him either, but I did. HAHAHA I even thought he was gay at first LOL but i liked him, alot more now but it doesnt matter because .. yea. It just doesnt. This dude literally fit all my fetishes (Guys with red hair and is a megane) But he's not always a megane and I'm sad :( But when he wears the megane... Wahlao hot die me I tell you //nosebleeds Just kidding. But yah He's hot when he wears his megane . But I wasnt attracted because he fitted all the requiremnts of my fetishes but rather I was attracted to him, like him him. I do understand that not everyone is what they seem but like.. I wanna know more about him HAHA He's like a drug to me I guess? Idk. But yahhhhh even with him , even if he likes me back.. well.. 8'D That'd be nice. Oh gosh I should've finished this in the library I have like no mood to continue this HAHA sorry Al.

(This practically sums up my feelings about him?) Something like that 

I'll end here for today! I'm far too lazy to type out my experiences in Thailand.. maybe next time hehe . (And my blog post is farrrrrrr too long for today
Of course I must end with a selfie 8'D
This time, a just-woke-up-and-shitted kinda selfie

Monday 7 April 2014


So this is probably the last post until i come back from Thailand! Hooray for more holidays but booooo because Thailand's weather is waaaay warmer than Singapore.. I just hope I don't come back tan!

Yesterday I went ice skating guys! It was my first time omg it was super fun! although we could only skate around in circles but i dont know I just find it really fun! Perhaps because everything is still new to me hehe! After that we went to Starbucks to just chill.. I'm not sure if it's a routine thing but yea I've been going to Starbucks alot this year //money flyyyy But usually I only go to starbucks to get a drink when I'm with them so I it's not that bad 8')

Also, there was this guy who confessed to me recently.. You know who you are, I just wanna say that uhm you'll find a better girl one day.. I know now you're really upset and all but like I don't want you to just close off from the world like that because you don't want to get hurt again. If you open your heart you can make new friends, and maybe get a better girlfriend in the future. So please don't be disheartened! Although we can't be lovers we can be friends right? I really hope this incident didn't make our friendship awkward.. So uhm yea. Life goes on and although now it seems really gloomy and dark you'll find your sunshine soon yea?

To be honest, I really dont know what to feel nowadays.. I'm definitely not ready to be in a relationship, and yet I like someone and he's not getting out of my thoughts oh gosh its super xiasuey if he sees this but heck care because it's my blog LOL. But what I feel about relationships is that both parties must be ready if not the relationship will die out pretty quickly and uhm.. There should be trust and honesty between the two parties.. Of course I have so much more to say about relationships but I really have to leave for the airport now soooo I'll stop here!

Saturday 5 April 2014



So recently Ive been working.. since yesterday actually, and i still have full shift tomorrow oh gosh kill me now Im so exhausted already ahhhhh then I monday also got work omfg I wanna cancel I rathe go out with the girls sia OMG. I need to try and cancel work anyway since the girls wanna go out HEHEH perfect. But I scared manager dont let sia after all Im telling her today and like tomorrow I wanna cancel its like abit.. tough to cancel hais.

Oh gosh im tired lemme just end this post HHAHAA tomorrow i update again LOL

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Here's a new blog post again because im just so overwhelmed by everything these days!! Oh my gosh, can you believe it, 8 weeks of PPP has just gone by.. and Here I am already missing all the fun times we had as an Oppai. Because One boob will never leave the other right? :)

Im just having T05 withdrawal symptoms alot these days hahaha omg I suck. Anyway, we had a closing ceremony camp thingy and it was really fun! Especially the water games huehue. Everything was fun tho. Especially the haunted house. I thought that was quite well done! Well, at least for the video part. I thought it would be much scarier but luckily it isnt I guess HAHAHA . That last room though. I was genuinely scared by that. The voices, the masks, I guess its because it reminds me of clowns. I hate clowns so yea.. Surprising how I like characters such as Hisoka and Jester since they are both clowns LOL. But anywayyyy Im just really grateful to the DPAIG who planned this camp, where we could spend our last moments as an official class. Im not as upset because I know T05 will surely meet up again! Why? Because we are awesome hehehe I love you allllll

Then there was J-ob as well! To be honest I wasnt very excited about it because I was still having T05 withdrawal symptoms HAHAHA. But it was fun! I meet alot of people I havent met in a looooong time omg. I miss you all! My wig was way too small and parts of my wig cap was visible omg so annoying ahaha omg. I was cosing Matsuoka Gou. I had a Rin as well (Alexander) But I pangseh-ed him most of the time HAHAHA DAMN GUILTY SIA OMG but yah im so used to sticking with my hubby that I .. well, neglected Alexander hahahaha omg sorry bro if youre reading this hahaha . But it was super fun although it was damn hot!

Let me just end this post with a Haiku from "Way of the samurai - The eye of the Dragon"
Letting go a fart - 
It doesnt make you laugh 
when you live alone