Tuesday 1 April 2014

Here's a new blog post again because im just so overwhelmed by everything these days!! Oh my gosh, can you believe it, 8 weeks of PPP has just gone by.. and Here I am already missing all the fun times we had as an Oppai. Because One boob will never leave the other right? :)

Im just having T05 withdrawal symptoms alot these days hahaha omg I suck. Anyway, we had a closing ceremony camp thingy and it was really fun! Especially the water games huehue. Everything was fun tho. Especially the haunted house. I thought that was quite well done! Well, at least for the video part. I thought it would be much scarier but luckily it isnt I guess HAHAHA . That last room though. I was genuinely scared by that. The voices, the masks, I guess its because it reminds me of clowns. I hate clowns so yea.. Surprising how I like characters such as Hisoka and Jester since they are both clowns LOL. But anywayyyy Im just really grateful to the DPAIG who planned this camp, where we could spend our last moments as an official class. Im not as upset because I know T05 will surely meet up again! Why? Because we are awesome hehehe I love you allllll

Then there was J-ob as well! To be honest I wasnt very excited about it because I was still having T05 withdrawal symptoms HAHAHA. But it was fun! I meet alot of people I havent met in a looooong time omg. I miss you all! My wig was way too small and parts of my wig cap was visible omg so annoying ahaha omg. I was cosing Matsuoka Gou. I had a Rin as well (Alexander) But I pangseh-ed him most of the time HAHAHA DAMN GUILTY SIA OMG but yah im so used to sticking with my hubby that I .. well, neglected Alexander hahahaha omg sorry bro if youre reading this hahaha . But it was super fun although it was damn hot!

Let me just end this post with a Haiku from "Way of the samurai - The eye of the Dragon"
Letting go a fart - 
It doesnt make you laugh 
when you live alone

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