Friday 21 March 2014

Hey ya guys!

Another blog post from me! HAHAHA YAY! So recently I have been in school or working. So I pretty much am very busy and dont have much time for myself. So since I have some time now, I might as well update right?

To be honest, these days have been very fun and hectic for me and I guess its because of my period (It just ended yay!) and because of that, I experienced a Whirlwind of emotions. And that isnt nice at all. So pretty much I have been an emotional bitch last week HAHAHA.

Okay soooo yea my emotions are in a turmoillll . I like this guy but Im like trying my best to forget him HAHA LOL. To think I said that I dont want to like anyone hais. Okay lah i admit this boy is hot and cute and MEGANE (at times) and others but if I say too much it'll be too obvious (not like its obvious enough pffft) But yah Im trying my best to forget him. Of course he's a nice boy but like.. I cant.. I just cant . Especially when I dont even know whether he likes me back. No. Im not gonna get hurt over a boy again. Never again. But he's really a dear.. and sweet.. and all.. ugh stop thinking of him meri

Okay so uhm on Wednesday I went to RWS with the business people for the business exposure programme! The reason why we were able to go to RWS is probably because the business segment we were doing is HTM and LRM, which involves tourism hence we went to a tourist site I guess. Either way, it was really fun! Together with my group - The Senators, we went around together and tried to complete the race. Our task in RWS was to complete something like an amazing race around Sentosa and can I just say that Sentosa is huge? HAHAHA. I didnt know there were so many hotels there too omg. They all look so cool and had their own themes! Like for example Hard Rock Hotel, it obviously have a jazzy kind of theme to it and may I just say that it is Beautiful! I would really love to spend a night at each of the hotels in RWS once.. They all look so nice!

Hmmm... I cant really remember much from the other days but what I do know is that team Oppai in business take selfies everytime we are together :) I really miss all of us together.. I miss Jack I miss Qi :( Most of all I miss all of us singing or doing something wierd or having a class excursion and stuff. Ya know? All these memories are so precious. I think I miss our togetherness. Because thats what encouraged us to go on.

Also, I've been reading this wattpad story called "The Robber Knight" and can I just say that is it AMAZING. I really love that book and Im currently at "The Robber Knight's love", which is the sequel of TRK. I'm still waiting for updatessssss. I can't wait to read the next chapter!! Of course I'm in team #Reuben. This story is set in the midieval times where there were knights and Ladies in courts, Counts, and jesters and so on. So uhm this story revolves around a Lady - Lady Ayla and Sir Reuben, who is a robber knight. Rob (the author) did not really touch much on Sir Reuben's past and I really do wonder what happened to make him like how he is right now, which is a robber knight. What actually happened to make him abandon his honour? And what happened to his past love? Why did he swear not to love anymore? Those are questions which are still unanswered. So yah. It's a great book! Book 1 is completed (obviously) and book 2 is stilll in progress. there are currently 6 chapters.

That should be all for today! I should really start on my reflection now.. Till next time!


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