Monday 7 April 2014


So this is probably the last post until i come back from Thailand! Hooray for more holidays but booooo because Thailand's weather is waaaay warmer than Singapore.. I just hope I don't come back tan!

Yesterday I went ice skating guys! It was my first time omg it was super fun! although we could only skate around in circles but i dont know I just find it really fun! Perhaps because everything is still new to me hehe! After that we went to Starbucks to just chill.. I'm not sure if it's a routine thing but yea I've been going to Starbucks alot this year //money flyyyy But usually I only go to starbucks to get a drink when I'm with them so I it's not that bad 8')

Also, there was this guy who confessed to me recently.. You know who you are, I just wanna say that uhm you'll find a better girl one day.. I know now you're really upset and all but like I don't want you to just close off from the world like that because you don't want to get hurt again. If you open your heart you can make new friends, and maybe get a better girlfriend in the future. So please don't be disheartened! Although we can't be lovers we can be friends right? I really hope this incident didn't make our friendship awkward.. So uhm yea. Life goes on and although now it seems really gloomy and dark you'll find your sunshine soon yea?

To be honest, I really dont know what to feel nowadays.. I'm definitely not ready to be in a relationship, and yet I like someone and he's not getting out of my thoughts oh gosh its super xiasuey if he sees this but heck care because it's my blog LOL. But what I feel about relationships is that both parties must be ready if not the relationship will die out pretty quickly and uhm.. There should be trust and honesty between the two parties.. Of course I have so much more to say about relationships but I really have to leave for the airport now soooo I'll stop here!

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