Saturday 1 March 2014

Hey guys!

I havent been updating recently because well, Poly started and Im having the most fun (and work) in my life! Everyone are awesome! There are really so much to say and I really dont know where to start!

Okay lemme just start with my favourite people hehe Xiaoqi and Jack! I swear they're really awesome! XQ loves KnB TOO XBSJHBVCDHSJCNH YAY AND BOTH LIKES HXH YAY

Oh yes did I mention that I saw the HxH Last mission in the theatres with them with Umar and Siew Li too? hehehe omg HISOKA DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH SCENES OK. IM NOT HAPPY AT THAT. Its been so long since I've seen Siew Li and omg i missed her soooo much <3 Okay so anyway the villian was super hot ok hehehehe his eyes <3 hnnnngh HISOKA ARGH HIS VOICE <3 Can someone please make a Hisoka Ringtone and send it to me I'll love you forever hehehe

Okay so the presentations and tests are ALL coming soon and Im here like "whut whut whut whut" . It seems like only yesterday that we were attempting high elements and having lots of fun! Well Im still having lots of fun and all but like.. TESTS AND PRESENTATIONS ARE SUCHA  BURDEN HMPH .

Theres so much to say but i really dont know what to highlight and all, but theres this cutie who's now my eyecandy HOHOHO he's super kind and adorbs ( I dont think I like him in that way though)

Omg talking about that I really forgot what its like to love somebody.. or like somebody.. I mean, there isnt any guys who give me any sparks as of now. But it's very unrealistic because.. I mean there wont actually be sparks mah.. you know what I mean? I do love the whole concept of loving someone but I dont like the concept of liking someone because of the fact that I love the concept of a relationship and not them.. I feel it would be unfair to the other party so thats kinda why I dont wanna love/like BUT I really want someone i can call "mine" hahah yes theres always Ker <3


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