Monday 9 December 2013

!Hi guys!

Its been awhile hasnt it? :3 Anyways heres a new update! huehue obviously.. Its been an eventful few days so I didnt have the time to update much so.. HAHAHA

These events are not in order because I'm just gonna write what i remember first! I'll start with my "Departures" shoot! Omg i swear I hate tube dresses like HOW DO YOU EVEN GET THEM TO STICK TO YOUR BODY URGH the dress kept dropping! Horrible horrible experience. Anywayyy, I was also horrible. My facial expressions suck my positions suck my facial features suck i suck. That literally summarises the whole shoot. Sorry to husbando and YS who had to tahan my super ewwwww self OTL
I'll try my best for "Departures" round 2!

Next was my work experience! Yay! I work for Lovethatbag and everyone was so friendly! The bossus were pleased with me and im really happy seeing the customers happy my heart bubbled up *^* i think i earned lots of commision too! hurray!

Thirdly was the shoot at Telok blangah! Well it was a tiring day! Woke up early to make bentos with le husbando and i met her aunt for the first time.. SHES SO ADORBS OMG <3 <3 <3 (slowly meeting le husbandos entire famz ) After that we practically rushed down in a cab to Telok Blangah.. Speaking of which, thanks to mum no 2 (aka husbando's mum for giving us moolah for the taxi! <3 ) Thanks to bossu for shooting for me! I dont think i suit Riri too :/ And im literally the queen of derp okay so well uh //creys. Its like i have to make bossu shoot around 3-5 shots before theres one satisfactory one so... Thank you so much for your help bossu! <3 And also thanks to bossu no 2 for the coke :) I literally guzzled drinks down LOL.

Fourth was L2P! We reached around 3+? Well somewhere there yea. And GUYS I KISSED MY HUSBANDO ON THE CHEEK WE NOW KNOW WHO WEARS TEH PANTS IN THE RELATIONSHIP (aka me most of the time) HOHOHOHOHO HER CHEEK SO BOUNCY HEOKHEOKHEOK. Technically i kissed kirito . Omg Wow. Suki. Love. OMG. Halp.fangirl AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Also thanks to my bby Kyo for being my Karuta! Literally made Vio and Hongzhu's brain explode trying to remember who i am :") But at least they remembered YAY. I dont recognize most people.. neither do they recognize me LOLOLOL. I guess thats the consequence of leaving the community for such a long time! Truthfully im also alittle reluctant to come back because ofmy horrible cosplay and yea im not really sure ehhh... might consider another hiatus again idk.

Fifth, i went to S.E.Aquarium at Sentosa with le chinchow peeps and kakarot,hohoho had lots of fun there! And can i just say that the seafood look really yummy HAHAHA. Well i couldnt eat them though
! Sad :/ but truly the experience was amazing! There were so many displays and aquarium of fishes and did i mention the utterly adorable stingray?! The stingray..rather, the underside of the stingray looked so adorable!! ill post pictures when my computer is up ag ain... basically i had a really good time with le peeps! Cant thank melvin for the tickets though. Thanks again pal!

Oh and while im at it, i seriously hate clingy people. Thats right guys. I hate them. Ironically im clingy too but thats usually only if i like you. Anyway back to the issue. I find people who cling too much kinda...irritating because they wont be giving me enough freedom to do other stuff... so thats one

Also since im really busy these days, if im not doing a photoshoot,work or planning, i would be sleeping and im not even kidding. So to those that i didnt reply to your texts... please understand.. or dont text me at all or else you might be dissapointed. There ive warned you guys. Carry on at your own risk. Of course i really appreciate these texts but its not all the time can i reply to you yea.. so uhm im sorry.

I think that is pretty much it this time! I do hope i can find the time to update soon.. ciao!

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