Sunday 1 December 2013

Hey guys!

IM FINALLY BACK IN SINGAPORE HAHAHAHAHA 2 days ago :> Indonesia and Thailand are beautiful!

First I went to Indonesia, and had really cool experiences! Heres a list of what i did :

1. Batik mask painting
2. Visiting Batik factories
3. Visiting Silver factories
4. Getting a ride on 2 fabulous buffalos
5. Planting Rice
6. Chasing ducks in the paddy field :>

According to Ben, I have to put my beneheart and benesoul into benepost on my beneblog because it sounds benemazing! AHAHAHAH and he's making a benecall and now he's beneback :> I hope he still benelove us :D AHAHAHAHA

Batik mask painting isnt as easy as it sounds you know? Its like we have to work with wax and it really drips all over the place!Mine really looked horrible :( And you see them masks, them pretty masks being sold at cheap prices yet we simply walk past it :( (pssst buy from them) The Batik factories are pretty cool too! The workers made batik painting look easy BUT ITS A LIE REALLY LOL ITS HARD AS HELL

Theres nothing much in the Silver factory ._. Its like uhm guys who were working there were smoking ( and I really hate people smoking in my face) so yea. Theres really nothing much.

OMG GUYS, I RODE A BUFFALO YES I RODE A BUFFALO AWWYEAAAA ITS LIKE SO COOL AND I GOT SPLASHED WITH MUD BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE BUFFALOS <3 And gosh they're HUGE! Or maybe im just small LOL but no i mean come on im like 158cm. So yep! One of the buffalos shat (Is this past tense of shit? ._. ) when i was on it! HAHAHAHA I really am not sure why animals like to shit/pee when im on it! hahahaha.

Planting rice was well, tiring, but fun! Tried planting rice once before in Hanoi too :) Anyway! After that we actually chased ducks on the paddy field! When I say 'we', i meant my mum, edmund and I ._. that's all ahahaha! it wasnt exactly fun because the ducks keep going up to the uhhh what do you call it..? OH RIGHT, LEDGE. When i caught it it was like ...shivering so badly :/ Well at least they're roaming around freely now... or eaten idk AHHAHAHA

So thats basically it for my Indonesia trip! I would write about my Thailand trip but im too lazy.. maybe tonight idk see my mood AHAHAHAH Anyway i shouldnt keep Ben waiting too long AHAHAH Sorry manz


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