Sunday 10 November 2013


TOMORROW IS MY LAST PAPER WOOHOO //throws confetti HEOKHEOKHEOK HURRAY! Immediately after my paper im gonna collect my costumes and maybe... MAYBEEEE i might do a costume test (if im not lazy!) HURRAY! It will also signify the start of my at-least-an-hour-of-exercise routine :D

Recently I've been reconnecting with my primary school friends, mainly with the 3 guys - Benben, melmel and clems! Haha the nicknames are adorable arent they! As usual, Im the shortest among them HAHAHAH gosh :( I wish i can be alittle taller though.. My height of 158 isnt really considered puny but im still considered short :(

Thats it for today! Really lazy to type more HAHAHA.
psps. I'll start updating UB soon, and i took down LOASS because I wanted to concentrate on UB. Kay bye guys!

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