Monday 11 November 2013


HELLOOOOO FREEDOM! The science MCQ paper was pretty manageable! I have faith in it! I will get a benedistinction! (I hope) AHAHAHAHA. Gosh puns using names are really hilarious!

Okay so today after the paper, Sean and I rushed down to Eunos first to collect my Toph wigs-- Well basically 2 bob wigs =w= . Then we went over to Sengkang for a supposed meetup but since the person didnt show up, we went to collect the lenses from Macpherson (Paradize Lenses). 

Okay so basically this post will be a review of my experience while having transactions with Paradize Lenses

My experience with Paradize Lenses:
Well the reason I ordered from them is due to the fact that they can do their collections at Paya Lebar, which was really close to where I live, so its convenient and all. When the lenses arrived, I asked the admins if I could collect it on 11-11-13 (today) Because I can collect all my stuffs in one go and not waste $$ collecting my stuff over and over again.. Well when I wanted to collect the lenses, the admin told me about some extra charges that I've not come across (nor did she mention) before i bought the lenses from her. So uhm.. I did try to go accomodate to her timings but uh she said that she was going out straight after her exams (which was the same as mine. I think she forgot that our MCQ paper was in the morning) But I remember telling the admin really early that i wanted to collect the lenses on 11-11-13. Then the admin offered Mailing.. So i thougt, why not? So i asked if there were extra charges, and she said yes. Mailing got extra charges, meetups at her convinience also have extra charges (because someone else was delivering for her) so i was pretty bummed out. Apparently "Meetup at ur preffered timing is arnd $2" and "But at macpherson though" So what i dont understand is why is there extra charges when we are meeting at your preferred location..? But ah wells. She also mentioned about if we are late there will be extra charges again.. which is pretty reasonable i guess? But uhmm.. You gotta ask for a buffer time of course. Because i feel that that is only fair. And she gave it to me :D 

I haven't tried the lenses yet though. Will review them soon when i need to use them. But yea overall service was a little different from the normal meetups (I feel). So when you wanna buy from Paradize Lenses, do take note of the T&Cs which i failed to take note.. And perhaps you might have a smoother transaction with them! Overall I rate 6/10. Will probably come back and purchase, but only if my friends are interested too. psps, thanks for the 2 contact lenses casing! <3

Next, will be reviewing the BOBO wig I bought from taobao via Aeris (AKA Angel). Link:

Firstly I would like to thank Angel for helping me order these wigs (i bought two) She's really patient and her services efficient. The wigs are sooooo pretty! Although they drop quite abit of hair.. It looked really realistic! //molests wiggie It's pretty smooth too! And really lovely! (picture below) Also, I would like to thank Angel again because I arrived WAY EARLIER than the meetup time and she was still okay with meeting me at that time! ;w; Im so grateful! Thank you so much! Definitely will order from you again!
Overall I rate: 8/10

Alright this is all for today. Note that all these reviews are based on my POV. So it may be not be a fair source because it doesnt account for the 2 parties's POV. Alright, kudos!


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