Wednesday 30 October 2013

Hey guys!

So I just finished most of my O levels! Im only left with POA, Geog paper 2, Chinese and science MCQ 8D. Since today's halloween as well, i was thinking, why not update again aye?

Okay so the papers were pretty much okay except for SS SBQ, it was horrifying. What kind of issue qn is "What is the Cod war"?!?!?! aiya but that's over. It's kay. History was also a beetch. Hitler and Stalin did not come out. Japan did. Luckily I studied beforehand and I could still remember facts about Japan LOL. Go me!

I pretty much did nothing but sleep,eat and study and stuff, so I decided to reward myself by watching "Free!" until the last ep! After all I only had 3 episodes before I finished the whole series! Homg Im pretty much dying because Abs and Triceps and all *^* You can say Im something like Gou/Kou :) But then again I dont have 4 hunks to coach haiszers 8( But its okay because I'll be cosing Gou soon! With 3 of my hunks.. because no one wanna cos Makoto :( //creycreycrey Anyway, I really loved the end where Rin can finally swim with Haru Mokoto and Nagisa again! I was literally crying at their teamwork okay. It was wonderful! And as a sportsperson, I can really feel it, they are really a true team! I mean, you can NEVER replace your teammates. Everyone is important. I really miss the pioneer team (floorball B div 2012) That was the last time we were together i think. I can never click with another goalie the same way I click with Mai <3

So the end of O's are approaching, and I'm really excited! That's because I can do lots of stuff without having to worry about studies! And I'm also gonna create a youtube video because I was dared to do one sometime back (yes i did not forget) Also, I will be travelling! So i would miss prom :( But its okay, because Im going to Indonesia to see Mount Merapi! I'm truly excited!! I mean, I can finally step onto a Volcano! That's so cool! I will also be going to Vancouver(most probably) with my mom and I can finally meet up with Ben!! Omg I really miss him okay I really do! I missed meeting up with him when he came back to Singapore, but I do hope I can see him in Vancouver!

Anyway, I will be doing fansigns for people whom are important in my life, and the first 3 that likes the post (when I post up the link on facebook) So yea!

Oh yea, and ask me questions AHHAHAHA :

Also, thanks for those who have supported me during this O levels period. I really love you all!


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