Tuesday 15 October 2013

Ni to the Hao!

Kudos to me not studying and posting yet another post, another frame of my life AHA. Perhaps I should type in proper english this time though, I guess.. I hope.. lets see how it goes lah aiya LOL

A few days ago marked the end of my journey in East Spring Secondary school! Certainly, I had fun, but all good things have to end yes? That's one cruel thing about life. You'll never be able to hold on to something forever because they will (at some point) not belong to you at all. However, I am thankful, to all my teachers, friends, coaches (I LOVE YOU COACH REENA <3) (I like you to Coach Hussein!) for guiding me along in my path to the future! I do hope I matured in this 4 years, but I definitely learnt alot from all of you!

Especially to my partners from sec 1 to 4, thank you so much for putting up with me! Especially when I'm high on sweets, and when I'm sick ahahaha. The memories you and I created is part of me, is and always will! Special shoutout to my hubbeh Kerry, who thought that I would forget her.. Trust me when I say that I will NEVER forget you because I love you oh so much (no homo) ! We do have many things to do after O levels too! We'll take as many pictures as possible, until we could fill an album!

Shall not talk to much about Graduation I guess, it makes me feel as though we would never meet again! Today's topic will be: Perks of befriending/dating me.

First off, I am the wierdest person you would ever meet in your whole entire existence, on this planet. So I would probably amuse you till no end (I hope)

I am a good listener /sheepish smile                             (as if)

I am a hobo. So i wouldn't mind if you decide where to go

I am short so people can feel more secure about themselves being taller than me AHAHAHA

I am... very awkward. I can laugh so loudly the whole world starts staring at you.. judging you as to why are you my friend. Yep

I am daring. I mean.. If you ask me to go for an injection, i wouldn't.

I am fantabulous. Ask me out for a sweatpants and oversized t shirt date and I wouldn't mind one bit.

I love nature. I love insects so much i start running away when i see them

I am a fat ass

Im pretty chill

I am the definition of crazy

I like fun.

I am overprotective

I am overbearing

I am not girlfriend material

I am the awesomest shit around.

That's pretty much it and thank youuuu for reading today's post! Hopefully you laughed.. i dont even know anymore. What am i doing with my life.. ahhhh dangit just gonna post it up because swek.

This is my sec 4 partner who plays floorball too, and shares the same jersey number (12) as I. 

This is Kerry Aka Mine aka don't touch :")
Pretty sure she's gonna kill me if she sees this post but meh

Special shoutout to SY, who gave me two of her polaroids as well!

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