Thursday 10 October 2013

Hello guys!

SUPGUYSYOLOSWAGDOPEFRESHFRUITS. I'm here again with a new blog post! Yay! I havent been able to update that much now due to O level preparations ( I promise to update more often after my O levels ;-;)

Anyway, let me talk about how O levels preparations is taking a toll on my body. First off, I've been staying up really late simply to complete my work/revision. So pretty much Ive been quite lethargic during lessons.. but i still pay attention though! But I guess its taking a toll on me because Ive been having headaches ever so often OTL //creys I do hope this torture would end soon :( 30+ days to freedom.. Jiayou all students taking O levels!

Recently Ive been pretty distracted (when im on my break) thinking abot what I could do after my O levels.. haishhh.. Freedom is so near yet so far.. I wish it'l come sooner though! Cant wait to see all my friends again! And of course, I cant wait to cosplay again! Theres this one character which im really interested to cosplay (just a costest) EHEHEHEHE NOT TELLING YOU WHAT THOUGH AHAHA. You guys just gotta wait and see :)

I've also been creeping my teachers out lately, for example, giving teachers Pedo smiles, and distracting them during lessons or some other weird stuff that only me, meri would ever do 8D hahahaha I swear all the teachers think im wierd or something AHAHAHA who cares LOL im graduating soon anyway! Better to leave a lasting impression right? :D

ALSO ALSO, Ive been listening to a lot of oldies too! Like MJ, Celine Dion, and other songs like... Replay by Iyaz AHAHAHA. I got caught rocking out to the piyo song too.. It was truly embarassing and i think my manly impression just went down the drain.. but ah wells. I guess I'll make a cover of the Piyo song just for laughs.. If i ever remember.. I doubt I will.. hahahaha.

I've been pranking my friends alot too! Hariz (my table partner) is totally not amused by my silly antics.. Dammit. Ah wells, I had fun pranking people. But its usually a harmless prank because .. its easy.. and I wont get slaughtered or chased after I prank them heheheheh.

So I guess im gonna just end here.. Hopefully I can update again soon before my O levels start or something .. I'll figure something out, I always do xD

Alright bye!

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