Monday 9 September 2013

Hello guys!

Today I will be addressing a few issues ( well actually im simply stating my views about these issues) and uhm.. enjoy!

The first issue i would like to address is pretty common. It's the difference, between crush and like and love and lust yada yada. Most people.. well teenagers, sometimes confuse themselves by thinking that crush and love are similar. WRONG. They are two totally different things. And love at first sight? I dont believe in it. Why? I would classify this "love at first sight" under lust. Simply because you see a person and you like that person. Your "love" mainly consist of you lusting over their bodies. Let me give you an example. I myself, enjoy looking at muscles(on guys.. like abs and stuff). So if i see a really buff guy, perhaps in the gym, lifting weights, his muscles flexing attractively.. and he has a handsome face, does that mean i "love" him? NO! That simply means that i love his body (well the shape) So yes thats one.


Love - An intense feeling of deep affection

Like - The things one likes or prefers

Lust - Very strong sexual desire

Crush - a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special

So the above example of me, can be classified into probably lust and crush. NOT LOVE. Love is something you have to develop overtime, and even then , there are many different types of love. Oh yes! I cant forget " affection" as well. It is somewhat different from the above too.

Then theres the other scenario : when people pair girl A and boy B together. People think they're sweet together, Girl A doesnt like boy B in the way that everyone wants her to. boy B, also do not like girl A in that way. he only lusts for her body.. Kinda like a playboy.. Due to peer pressure, usually they'll end up together. And because of that, either party will usually be unhappy.. but if that couple is REALLY lucky, they'll end up falling in love lah ahaha. Typical relationships.

Theres also the typical fangirls (like me) who are either in love with fictional characters, or people whom will never notice them . (boybands etc) But thats for another day.

Also, I would love to touch on another topic, friends.
There are many kinds of friends! For example:

1. The "Take-and-go" Friend - These friends are the ones who will take whatever they want from you and go. Like literally

2. The "I-use-you-for-backup" Friend - These people are the ones, in which when their main cliques are not in school/work , they will come and find you.. and stick to you. Then they'll go when their friends come back, treating you indifferently.

3. The " I-only-need-you-because-I-want-to-rant-to-you" friend - Well, i guess the title says it all. Whether you're upset or not, whether you're tired etc, these people will just rant to you about their life affairs, and just.. leave you there after they're done.

4. The "masked" friend - These people, are the most dangerous ones of all. They are the ones, whom you can never figure out. The ones that bootlick high ranking people, the ones that can act as your best friend in one moment, and turn against you in the next. These, are the most poisonous ones of all.

As long as you have friends, its pretty similar to having a relationship. there will certainly be ups and downs, and if your friendship levels are not up to par with the problems you guys are facing, BAM! They're gone! Simple as that. Its like a breakup. So yes, if you dont want to feel the pains of a breakup.. either you dont lose your friends or you just dont socialise at all.. but thats impossible isnt it? :o 

Just like every other relationship, when you have a problem, what do you do? You gotta solve it! Its like math. If you skip part (i), you might be able to do part (ii) but you may have difficulties attempting part (iii). Similarly, if you dodge one problem in your relationship (mind you that both parties have to do it together) You definitely will find it difficult to overcome a certain hurdle. So, some people might choose to give up, while some others will try to go back to the actual problem, and solve it. This will depend on both parties' willpowers. No one can help actually. Well maaaaybeee your parents? Ahaha.

I guess that pretty much wraps up everything I wanna talk about today ( I sound kinda mature here) 

Anyway, I plan on covering this song ->Queen Athena's song from the little mermaid
(Its really short) But anyway if anyone could make an instrumental on the piano for me I would be so grateful to you! and of course i will dedicate the song to you :) (And i will love you forever) So if anyone could help me with it.. text me if u have my number, dm me on twitter or facebook yea? And we'll discuss it. But take note that im only doing this cover after O levels!

Also, I am no longer a virgin performer! I performed on midsummer's festival, along with my friend SYNC (Check out her youtube channel ->  )
We performed "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars, and i think we did a pretty good job! Yay us!

And if you guys have any dares or requests for me to do, ask them over here ->

Any dares would be welcome if they're reasonable, and of course you can ask me about my views on other matters!

Song of the post
Do check Sissel out she have a voice of an angel and shes really pretty too!

Okay bye! xoxo

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