Friday 30 August 2013

Hey guys!

New post today! (you dont say) I really had a good day today! Basketball was really fun! Hamzah and Bryan are damn funny!! And omg Yang yang hehehehe we did this impersonation of a "pantene" commercial and I literally laughed till I cried!

Then theres Jason, sean, Qiu miao and darren! Damn funny sia all of them!! Darren qiu miao Yangyang and I make a very good team! Hahahaha omg Darren supports me alot so i feel damn safe when he's in my team. Jason is bloody taiko man! His skills are damn good! And hes so funny! I think the phrase of the lesson is "Just throw onlyy" In an auntie like accent xD Qiu miao's shots damn cool also sia! And that Alien Fanclub HAHAHAAH omg those funny scenes damn funny hehehehe

OH YES. and i sung to dhan on whatsapp voice note (this is so not manly) AND I TOTALLY FAILED AHAHAHA I WAS LAUGHING MY GUTS OUT AFTER THAT!!

oh my gosh Idk why i feel so lazy to type.. so this is it i guess...

OH WAIT. I must say I had fun spamming my partner's whatsapp and making his phone lag hahaha!!! Happy belated birthday aye?

Got stuck to listening to Breaking Benjamin because of Darren haha!
my fav so far

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