Sunday 4 August 2013

Hey guys!

Yes im back!! Well only for alittle while, but it's better than nothing right? Well my life had been pretty eventful, with prelims coming up and all. But I guess im managing!( well actually im dyinggggg) Ah wells, with a funny partner by my side, I never fail to be amused and survive through the day. Then there's the ever awesome Godfather and Han and Dee to help me survive my day, so I guess im surviving!

Well first of all i wanna let you guys know that our C div floorball girls are through! They'll be playing in the second round!! WHOOPWHOOP YAY THREE CHEERS THREE CHEERS ESSS ESSS GO GO GO!!!

Next, I wanna talk about my super disobedient correction tape, that refused to do what .. it suppose to do. IT REBELLED. HOW COULD IT. But at least its dead alr. LOL I now have a new correction tape!

Now now, next topic! I tried fasting! Well i wanted to fast for one whole month but... I was so tired during lessons and stuff so I just stopped after one week.. But really, it was super tiring and i needed so much self control!!! Salutes to all muslims!

Finally, lets talk about the topic that I really want to touch on today... Boys. I feel that being a boy is sooooo much easier than being a girl! Why do i say that? Here are some reasons:
1. If you're not pretty, you're judged
2. You gotta stand in front of the mirror, for minutes, hours whatever, JUST TO STYLE YOUR HAIR
3. If you wear a simple pants and shirt, people will think you're tomboyish
4. If you play rough, people will think you're tomboyish
5. If you put on makeup, people think youre a slut
6. When you have your period, and it leaked, ITS SO EMBARASSING
7. If you have HUUUUUGE THIGHS (like me) You get judged
8. Boobs too small? Get judged
9. Gamer girl? Gets questioned about ability

And of course, there's many many more. Advantages of being a guy? Well there are plentiful! For example, you get the thrill of chasing the girl you like (minus the rejection.. that is ouch) . You won't get backstabbed by your friends( applies more to the females) . You wont get judged if u wear pants and shirt out (in fact some guys look simply yummy in that) and best of all? Boys.Dont.Have.Menses. Ba dum tss

Hence, sometimes i really wonder whats it like to be a guy...Definitely I dont want to experience a kick in the nuts (ouch) But it'll be fun! I mean, have you ever wonder what its like, to be someone of the opposite gender? :) That would definitely be a thrilling experience. Of course, I dont mean i dont like being a girl.. I love being pampered, treated like a princess and all, but really, it do come with lots of obstacles haha!

Shoutout to my lovely wife Sammy <3 :

Oh yes, I got instagram now HAHAHAHA follow me! : Datshortymeriku

Peace out

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