Friday 28 June 2013

Hey guys! (Rant post)

Okay now my virtual holidays are going to end (Im sad) and I havent finished my homework. Well those that i dont know, so i guess thats alright. Recently i wasnt able to sleep until around 1,2am? So Im really really tired and i think im falling sick too OTL (seriously why now) I'll just take panadol LOL

Now, I realised i have put on weight. Yep, a girl's greatest fear other than being disfigured. WHYYY WHY WHYYYY. Okay i guess its not so bad because i lost weight at my grannies, but that means that i didnt make any progress at all. Damn Im back to square one. Haiz. So yea I guess imma work out more?

Next, studies is really being a pain in the ass right now, especially when I know that my national exams are slowly creeping up on me. Yes, I want to do well, but Seriously, im too lazy to study. Can I just implant a chip in my brain and like... yea.. just.. go in the examination halls like that LOL. So yea.

I had fun at kerry's yesterday, we did a costest :'D It had been awhile since I did cosplay makeup and all, and I also discovered RWBY. Which is really cool! Personally, I like Yellow :) Her sass is simply intriguing. Of course, she's not all bark and no bite! I didnt really like white though, too.. ladylike for me! ahhaha . I didnt understand Black as well but i like her! Red is also really really cool! Cant wait for the series to come out!

Also, my cosplay idols, King x Mon, are coming to singapore tomorrow! I WANNA SEE THEM! But i cant because i gotta attend a talk from TP. //cries a river// Haiz, i guess its simply life to have its ups and downs.. Im having my down period now, but i just gotta endure a few more months, and IM FREE. JIAYOU MERI!

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