Friday 28 June 2013

Hey guys! (Rant post)

Okay now my virtual holidays are going to end (Im sad) and I havent finished my homework. Well those that i dont know, so i guess thats alright. Recently i wasnt able to sleep until around 1,2am? So Im really really tired and i think im falling sick too OTL (seriously why now) I'll just take panadol LOL

Now, I realised i have put on weight. Yep, a girl's greatest fear other than being disfigured. WHYYY WHY WHYYYY. Okay i guess its not so bad because i lost weight at my grannies, but that means that i didnt make any progress at all. Damn Im back to square one. Haiz. So yea I guess imma work out more?

Next, studies is really being a pain in the ass right now, especially when I know that my national exams are slowly creeping up on me. Yes, I want to do well, but Seriously, im too lazy to study. Can I just implant a chip in my brain and like... yea.. just.. go in the examination halls like that LOL. So yea.

I had fun at kerry's yesterday, we did a costest :'D It had been awhile since I did cosplay makeup and all, and I also discovered RWBY. Which is really cool! Personally, I like Yellow :) Her sass is simply intriguing. Of course, she's not all bark and no bite! I didnt really like white though, too.. ladylike for me! ahhaha . I didnt understand Black as well but i like her! Red is also really really cool! Cant wait for the series to come out!

Also, my cosplay idols, King x Mon, are coming to singapore tomorrow! I WANNA SEE THEM! But i cant because i gotta attend a talk from TP. //cries a river// Haiz, i guess its simply life to have its ups and downs.. Im having my down period now, but i just gotta endure a few more months, and IM FREE. JIAYOU MERI!

Friday 14 June 2013

Hey guys!

Im back with another post! Now recently I have no idea why but I have been dreaming alot recently.. Like ALOT . I dreamt of Benedict, Melvin, Clement and Caleb.
Then I dreamt of Dhan, Han, And Al (Only appeared for awhile)
Then I dreamt of Hamz,Al,Han,Dhan :o

Like wow I dream alot these days. Anyway, I saw coach and Ms Azizah during recess just now and guess what? Me being me, i decided to approach them... and i kinda pranked coach again LOL basically i did the classic tap on shoulder and poke cheek thing and he fell for it AHAHAHAHAHA. Meri is awesome. Well after school I saw him again, after his meeting (crazy for meetings can last so long) But yep

So I fell asleep today, and guess what? I missed some YOLO thing that my friend did.. Aishhhh why must it happen when Im sleeping? :<

Well okay  today will be a short one because.. Im lazy.. and Skyping with Evans nii chan so yea BUHYEEEE

Friday 7 June 2013

Hey guys!

So I'm back with a new post! (Like duh /smackself)
Well jolene is like one of the smartest person that i know so yea :)

Anyway! I just did my prelim Orals (MT &EL) recently! Well chinese wasnt as good as my english but manageble i guess :) so YEAAAAAA. I hope i can get good marks! I got some tips too so yea gonna work from there :3

Anyway anyway, My girls, won some friendlies! So proud of them! LIKE REALLY PROUD OKAY 8D Good job girls! But dont get complacent though.. 

Chinese oral was horrifying ahaha I almost had a heart attack okay, but i didnt so yay me. I manage to do it well i guess? I think im coherent enough LOL But the teacher is really nice and they were talking about healthy lifestyle so i was like jumping on my chair hehe dont judge me okay.

English oral was quite smooth! Although i didnt read according to the text.. but its there HAHAHAHA. And it sounds fluent so yep! I hope my answers are satisfactory though! The examiner looked pleased and agreed with my opinions so I think it should be fine!

Okay now Im actually staying at my grandmothers place, and so technically Im living near my cousins, my auntie,and Atika,and Aldrin. Hahahaha. Its fun having night walks with Aldrin ahaha. Speaking of which we went walking yesterday and i got to know the area alittle more! And we went to Tmart after school and all that jazz to get me some basic stuff. I GOT A NEW KODOMO TOOTHBRUSH YAY. AND NEW YUMMY SMELLING SOAP.(Which al made me think really really hard.just for a few bars of soap) :< MY BRAINCELLS.

Okay so when we were about to walk back, it rained! We could practically see the heavy rain on the far side while we had a drizzle.. then it came closer and closer so we ran to the nearest busstop. It was damn fun! hahaha.

So thats basically today, and I barely even studied.. Haiz. Okay bye guys see you soon!

Saturday 1 June 2013

Hey guys!

So finally im back with a post! (Although I should be studying for MT Os) But ah wells, I needa break from all those Chinese ahahahaha. And no, Im not going to type this blog entry in chinese aha.

Okay so recently I went to the Sungha Jung concert! And oh gosh it was so good. There were mistakes made but We're all human you know? I think the songs he played live are so much better than the ones that he posted on youtube. I had so much fun ! Sungha's accent was so adorable omg I wished i bought the $100 ticket to see him up close :< Ah wells.

Augustin Amigo also played in the concert as a guest and I think he really contrasts Sungha! Its like.. I think Sungha is more of a soul player and Augustin is more of a happy player. If you actually understand what I mean.. I can practically picture a story in my head with those music man, all the feels ;w; So awesome! I managed to take a picture with Augustin! Yay!

I was so excited about the Sungha Jung concert I forgot to mention about what happened in the morning! I went to Wild Wild Wet! It wasn't as fun as it was last time.. Well maybe because I've grown up? Anyway, there were way too many people there as well man :/ Singapore is a pretty small place to squeeze in so many people!

Well I got burnt like .. really red man. Gosh I look like i was permanently blushing :< And my shoulders hurt like CRAZY. D: Anyway I saw a few people who resemble my friends.. Not sure if they are because I wasnt wearing my spectacles ahaha. And there were guys with abs so I pointed to them and told my bro "You gotta go get that okay?" He said "Nope. too lazy" Haishhh. /sadface

Now lets fast forward to breakfast with teachers day!
I think this was the very best breakfast with teachers ever! I think Amanda's Brownies were like.. AWESOME. And Dhan's friend beehoon was spicy (I like) and all the others! It was all so yummy. That day Hannah and I had a pickup line competition (I WON BABEH) But Ms sakinah said that my pickup lines are lame ;w; /shot2thekokoro

After that there was the floorball clinic. Omg im so glad I went. Managed to meet Victor (not sure if its victor/viktor) , Sara and Lisa and Daniel! There're all so good at floorball I wanna faint man. I feel that i played downright badly compared to them! Sara's the goalie, yet she can play as a player as well. And their passes and shots.. oh so beautiful man. SO BEAUTIFUL. I got Lisa's and Sara's autographs yay

Then I made a pinky promise with coach. Hes gonna have to play 1v1 with me >:) Cant wait! Then I had to leave early because of a meetup at city hall... so I left. Coach's shop is at Cuty Hall so i was like thinking, why not go visit?

Anyways, I sold my stuff, and that buyer said that I have a lovely voice 8'D /touched
Then I went over to Peninsula to find coach's shop. He said he'll be there at 4. so i was like okay lor why not.

When i went over to the shop, I made friends with Coach Alfee. Well, I didnt even realise he was a coach until later ahahaha. So It turns out, that he was also coached by the legendary master shifu coach (Currently coaching VS if im not wrong) Like wow. Their trainings are so intensive!

Alfee called coach and it turns out that he was going to arrive at 5 instead =.= So i got out a piece of paper, borrowed a pen and scribbled some nonsense on it and place it on his desk ahahahaha. Coach alfee is so awesome for letting me do that.

Well, thats the end of the post I think! Now gotta go back to studying MT OTL
Goodluck to all taking O level Mother Tongue!

Check out Augustin Amigo here :

Coach's shop. Twitter: Floorballnation
                       Instagram: Floorballnation
                       Facebook: Floorballnation

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