Thursday 28 February 2013


Last post till after CT lawl. So yea
Am currently swimmin' in the sea of history. I mean.. Its fun in its own way LOL. -nerdmode-
How do you differentiate the leaders of the past? Their mustaches! All diff shapes and sizes HAHAHAHA
omg lol :3

And we end our first round with all wins, we got a clean sheet against Loyang 8-0. First cleansheet of the year. yeahh. And i got scolded by coach because i keep saying crap LOL So im gonna change my cuss words to marshmellows maybe? hahahaha. And theres the Busan joke.. :x hehehehe xD

And yeaaaa these days are like study school training sleep and shizz liddat. Have to return on Saturday for Chem and Phys ASP. :< Ms sakinah talk so fast i cant exactly catch stuff ;w; ah wells, study on my own then loool


LOL random hahaha. So.. Yea i lost respect for someone recently.. I was actually really sad when i heard what happened, so.. im moving on to support the other someone ;) heheheh xD

And today was tiring LOL i kinda fell asleep in sitting position LOL it looked hilarious LOLOL


Friday 22 February 2013

Hey guys!

So today i got new gear!! YAAAAY
Its like.. HUGE so when i put it on i look BIG! its awesome xD and long sleeve sooo... I think i can fool people into believing that im a big sized, short fat keeper HAHAHA. Its like.., blue and blank, which is cool :D YAY

And today in physics ms sakinah damn cute eh! Her longos are always "Why? not happy ah" hahaha damn funny lah she.

Also, there was training today, which was fun haha. Coach made up do this new movement of which i named "spider" cause its wiggly. like wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle! Im not making sense LOL

Now to the depressing part, if you dont want to know, dont read on. Simple. YES IM DEPRESSED OKAY. I bet im Pmsing, but whatever

These days, after embarking on the journey of sec 4s, I find that I lost myself somewhere along the way, and I feel just like a shell of my existence.

Ever since My grandpa died, Ive never been so hyper like i was in sec 3. I guess alittle part of me died along with him?

Ever since im in sec 4 , I feel like im invisible to people somehow, I feel like a shadow, just like a ghost in a way. I began to feel left out, from my friends. I mean, they have their own group of friends, Im simply another person. and when this "other person" is not included in many things, eg group outings, dinners, study groups.. That other person slowly fades into the background, only to be noticed when people need her for something.

She will always feel like a third party, never knowing what is happening between the group, she is left out in the dark, alone, tired, with millions of questions raging through her mind.

She feels the knife of betrayal stabbing through her heart, yet she couldnt bring herself to remove it, to join in. She tried, oh she tried so hard, however, she just cant fit in.

When she tries to speak during these group's discussion, her voice, was ignored. They thought , she was tired, they thought, she was emo. However, she was just confused. All I see, is a lonely upset girl.

And in her class, she has friends. However, she drifted away, trying to find solitude, but she cant.

She has this friend, who comes to her, only to rant at her and use her as a punching bag. She used her, to vent her frustrations, so that she can be happy, to have a load off her shoulders. She used to be close to this friend though, however, they drifted apart. That friend found another group to be with. And that girl.. was left alone once again.. Only to be found when she needed a rant..

Now, this very same girl, has other friends, however, since she wants to protect herself from the very same reject, the very same separation that will eventually happen in time, she distances herself from others, oh very innocent others. Building a wall in between her and others, she, can never trust the same way ever again.

She was broken

That girl, is me.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Yay new post

So I guess im gonna start on a mini story, which accentuates the beauty of friendship.. Well no actually I would like to bring light to the ugly sides of friendships, which could really turn out ugly. And yes, I write from experience and through observations so I believe i can pull this through!

Recently i read this ebook on wattpad, named 'The Black Knight' which is a beautiful story about a love like no other, and it is truly a special story as this story involves a heavily scarred man and a beggar. And.. Im not gonna reveal no more. :) Read it if youre interested!

So, a peep into my piece, named 'Friendship Ties'

You told me, "youve changed'
You told me, ' You're drifting away'
But do remember, you were the one who caused it, and i aint gonna change for you. Cause you arent worth my time. 
Sayonara to our friendship
Let the acting and drama of your presumed 'friendship' begin

I know we once said 'I will never give up on our friendship' 
But where is the love?
Where did you hide your true self? 
No.. no I cannot comprehend this nonsense
Hence I turned my back on you, 
Leaving you spiraling into the pit of greed,power,fame
I just hope.. You wont abandon your true self..

So yea! Something like that ^^ Gonna upload it bit by bit on wattpad i guess. Will keep you guys updated!

We officially made it into the second round, where the games become tougher, where our true opponents lie in wait, ready for the hunt. I do hope our fixtures are good!

Recently, there is this craze about something called the Harlem Shake. Whats that all about? its taking the world by storm!

Erm. Idk what else to say LOL
So yea well..


Monday 4 February 2013


i only have 10 minutes to post this so I'll be quick
Today's match against Greendale, we won 8-1 woohoo!
I saw Shona.. actually, she saw me first haha. after our game was her game so yea :D
I did wish her the best of luck :) AES was playing against Si Ling sec, whom we are gonna play against on valentines day LOL
So not looking forward to it though

And, Rian nii chan is kaypoh, haha.
LOL. Kaybye

Sunday 3 February 2013

Omg. So i havent made any posts like.. SINCE FOREVER HAHAHAHA

Do forgive me dear readers of mine (if u still exist that is)
Ive been really busy lately, and I cant find the time to write..
Furthermore, I have a lock on the computer so I can only use the computer for a fixed amount of time (which is an hour) everyday except for SUNDAY. DAMMIT.

So yea.. sad me be sad :<
Well, at least i still have my phone MUAHAHAHAHA. but theres no 3G so.. OTL
Whatever lah, just make do with whatever i have xD not that im unhappy with it or whatever :)
Oh yea, and, my grandpa passed away this Jan. so umm.. yea

I mean, im sad, but life has to go on right? I dont feel like hes gone anyways.. Hes forever in my heart :D YAY. HOORAY GRANDPA. LOCKED IN MY HEART WHEEEE. And my heart is a comfy place to stay in hahahaha. Well.. at least i hope so owo

And um, ive been really busy these days with floorball and tests and homeworks and stuff. So hahahah. Floorball was fun, competition period has started, and tomorrow is our second match, against Greendale in Bedok South Secondary. I hope i dont screw up. Gosh im worried. But i like coach though, hes nice. And we made a deal, that if i save beautiful goals, he'll start crying manry tears HEHEHEHE. There was this one time when we made him laugh till he cry too hahahaha awesome times. I need to perfect my dive :< I wanna learn from Shona, and how she uses her body to save the ball and she rolls on the floor and its ALL SO COOL.

And i have tuition omg. I HATE TUITION. well not really.. i dont like it nor dislike it. But i dont like it because every monday became more hectic for me. its like.. School hours -> ASP -> Training -> Tuition. Its just hell i swear. So i always have the monday blues now. :< Im sad

AND DID I MENTION I HATE PERIODS OMG. why give periods to a girl anyway? After all, we are considered 'Weak' ._. SO WHY MAKE US BLEED GAWD. IT MAKES NO SENSE. NO SENSE AT ALL

I like hisoka. HEHEHEHE I STARTED WATCHING HxH and Hisoka is my fav char, followed by Killua and Gon :) Dont ask me why, but Hisoka just lures me in with his sexy voice and sexy body. :D

I met Rian today too owo to pass him back his SS notes owo And I got a hug 8'D Just when i needed one omg ;w; YAY ME. YAY NII CHAN. THANKS IMUOTO RUVE EU WOTS. (okay ew. i dont do such things haha)

I have also been talking to Ryan alot recently.. I like talking to him and terence hehehe. Cause its fun ^^ And i really find his goodnight messages real sweet. Its been a long time since someone actually ask me to sleep early haha.

Ive been addicted to westlife again hehehe and Kurt <3

This is my darling Hisoka <3