Sunday 3 February 2013

Omg. So i havent made any posts like.. SINCE FOREVER HAHAHAHA

Do forgive me dear readers of mine (if u still exist that is)
Ive been really busy lately, and I cant find the time to write..
Furthermore, I have a lock on the computer so I can only use the computer for a fixed amount of time (which is an hour) everyday except for SUNDAY. DAMMIT.

So yea.. sad me be sad :<
Well, at least i still have my phone MUAHAHAHAHA. but theres no 3G so.. OTL
Whatever lah, just make do with whatever i have xD not that im unhappy with it or whatever :)
Oh yea, and, my grandpa passed away this Jan. so umm.. yea

I mean, im sad, but life has to go on right? I dont feel like hes gone anyways.. Hes forever in my heart :D YAY. HOORAY GRANDPA. LOCKED IN MY HEART WHEEEE. And my heart is a comfy place to stay in hahahaha. Well.. at least i hope so owo

And um, ive been really busy these days with floorball and tests and homeworks and stuff. So hahahah. Floorball was fun, competition period has started, and tomorrow is our second match, against Greendale in Bedok South Secondary. I hope i dont screw up. Gosh im worried. But i like coach though, hes nice. And we made a deal, that if i save beautiful goals, he'll start crying manry tears HEHEHEHE. There was this one time when we made him laugh till he cry too hahahaha awesome times. I need to perfect my dive :< I wanna learn from Shona, and how she uses her body to save the ball and she rolls on the floor and its ALL SO COOL.

And i have tuition omg. I HATE TUITION. well not really.. i dont like it nor dislike it. But i dont like it because every monday became more hectic for me. its like.. School hours -> ASP -> Training -> Tuition. Its just hell i swear. So i always have the monday blues now. :< Im sad

AND DID I MENTION I HATE PERIODS OMG. why give periods to a girl anyway? After all, we are considered 'Weak' ._. SO WHY MAKE US BLEED GAWD. IT MAKES NO SENSE. NO SENSE AT ALL

I like hisoka. HEHEHEHE I STARTED WATCHING HxH and Hisoka is my fav char, followed by Killua and Gon :) Dont ask me why, but Hisoka just lures me in with his sexy voice and sexy body. :D

I met Rian today too owo to pass him back his SS notes owo And I got a hug 8'D Just when i needed one omg ;w; YAY ME. YAY NII CHAN. THANKS IMUOTO RUVE EU WOTS. (okay ew. i dont do such things haha)

I have also been talking to Ryan alot recently.. I like talking to him and terence hehehe. Cause its fun ^^ And i really find his goodnight messages real sweet. Its been a long time since someone actually ask me to sleep early haha.

Ive been addicted to westlife again hehehe and Kurt <3

This is my darling Hisoka <3

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