Thursday 23 May 2013

Hey guys!

Now recently there was the interclass games (floorball) and I had tremendous fun being the ref for a few games and simply being a spectator. 4E2 steady lah \(^_^)/ Of course, my floorball teammates are also awesome okay!

I wont exactly go indepth in the elaboration of how the matches were like but it was very hyped up! (I think only me but ah wells) I had fun cheering on my classmates! They're really good actually. And I got a chance to use Bobby (My stick) however i think i need to change the blade soon.. its in a bad condition :/

The climax of the whole interclass is probably the penalties between 4E2 and 5N2! I jumped so much my muscles ached badly after that hahaha. Aldrin jumped too! Really surprised that he cheered for us even though his class is against us. Really awesome guy with good sportsmanship man.

Of course, my Aniki is the best keeper in the world! I mean just look at his saves man! Its so awesome I cant eve- And today is his birthday! Tanjoubi Omedetto Aniki! Daisuki <3 Im babbling oh gosh

Chinese intensive lessons have already started and its already killing my brain cells! I think I died during the afternoon sessions because its really really hot in the hall. Well at least we are going off to different airconditioned locations next week! YAY. Just a few more days, jiayou meri! jiayou sec 4s and 5s!

Hmmmm is there anything I didnt cover? hmmm.. Oh yes! My UB (Unhappy bride) is updated! My LOASS is updated! and CSSAP is updated too! Check out my works at...

And today I got scolding AGAIN for not putting in effort on my work.. like whaaaaat I dont exactly understand. I mean.. just urgh nvm im too lazy to explain LOL . Anyway, those with bad grades/ unsatisfactory grades, dont worry! theres still EOY and Prelims, so just work hard for that yea!

I also got hooked onto Pentatonix recently! Listen to them, they're awesome. Okay bye guys
Stay safe and sane

Saturday 18 May 2013

Hey Guys!

As you can see, I decided to change my background and fonts ! Whoopwhoop! Jellybeans ftw (^_^)b Its been... quite a while? Im not sure geehee. But Im gonna update again soon! (I hope)

Okay first things first, Yesterday I had a casual shoot with my beloved Kerry hahahah and Kyo tagged along as Kyubeyy (Not sure if i spelled it correctly :/ but pardon me if i did) And she was ADORABLEEEE. I signed a contract with her huehuehue.

We met up Jim and Hao Hao first, and we chat for awhile hahaha. Having a 6 month Hiatus really makes you miss alot of stuff happening around! But its okay because I caught up! (I think) It was really fun to hear all their experiences and also to finally talk to them after like so long!

So the usual happened during the photoshoot, I tried to have that emo look but failed terribly. Im too happy for emo looks hahahaha! There are sooooooo many omakes I tell you. SO MANY. But its damn funny hahahaha I laughed so much. I mean.. what can u expect from the self proclaimed "Unglam Queen"? heheheh. But the shoot is damn ghey haha. Tried being some model but failed LOL.

Then we went for FOOOOOOOOOOOD. If I were to cosplay I think i probably wont eat for like the whole day till dinner LOL But since we are not cosing then >:D Toastbox curry chicken ftw. And that milk tea, I totally recommend it! Its soooo good but I think it was alittle too sweet but ah wells you know? Hahaha Indulgence *^*

Then we walked around MBS to look for the event but you know, since MBS is so big we kinda walked the whole area before we finally found the event area! But the event area was pretty hot. No wait, it was really hot, I was burning in the midday sun. I had to wear sunglasses hahaha so when people go like "who are you?" then I have to take them off momentarily. THAT MOMENT WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE A VAMPIRE, It applies here. Literally. it was so bright D:

So at the event area I saw cosers, friends and strangers alike. huehuehue. It was fun but really hot. And that got my makeup melting. urghhh. but it was like a freaking adventure I tell you hahaha. I guess it wouldnt be that interesting if the heat wasnt in the factor eh? This was one of the times where I really am glad that I didnt cosplay that day hahaha I was already dying in a light dress. Kudos to all the cosers who survived the heat!

I think the highlight of that day for me was when I saw Caitlin cosing Demon Mirajane. Gosh her cosplay was so good, and she was BEAUTIFUL. Like just wow. WOWWWW. I practically spazzed over her! And there was a fairytail group. A FAIRY TAIL GROUP. MY LIFE IS OFFICIALLY COMPLETE. Theres Gajeel and Erza (By Hajime and Hikari) and Caitlin's group. Goshhhh they even had a Mavis! I was soooo happy. And that Lucy hahaha Shes damn cute man, I enjoyed talking to her and Caitlin! Like whoopwhoop awesome.

Then after that my heels were making my feet hurt badly and we headed home together with my daughter. I realised I gained two more daughters : Alice and Kiyomi. I dont know how but yea ahahahaha. I have no idea man.

Oh! I also forgot to mention! Kiyomi arhh, blackmailed me into kissing their coscards omg LOL that was like the first time anyone actually asked for a kiss on the coscard (like whaaaat) >\\\\< They even wanted my autographs ;w; I feel so honoured really.. So honoured! I mean , like Wow.

Of course, there are like a million other things I didnt mention in here, theres simply too many! But thats the summary, and My day was AWESOME. I made many new friends, I caught up with others, met my brothers, sisters after so long! I love all of you <3

ps. Hongzhu damn chio lah, Ishak too. HEHEHEHEHEHE

Okay, peace out yo

pps. I decided to feature songs on every post (Just like the old times) Whoopwhoop. Thanks to Kerry for introducing this song to me!
oh and , check out "Glide" cover by Xun <3 She dedicated this song to me <3 Hugs and kisses to you hon <3

Sunday 12 May 2013

Hey guys!

I cant believe, it, in that very short period in which i didnt update, I actually received over 1000 views! :achievementunlocked: And this is not possible without the help all all of you dear readers, who stay tuned to the random encounters and challenges that I face in my life. \(^_^)/

Anyways, I also created an account, so if anyone would like to ask some random stuff about me, or simply to ask for advice, just leave it as a question and I will reply! heres the link :

Now recently I have received questions such as " I dont know what to do, I want to die" or "I am being bullied, please, what should i do" Now, such actions are really a BIG NO-NO. What good will you achieve if you supposedly went ahead and decide to kill yourself? Your parents will suffer, your friends will suffer. Yet your tormentors will simply carry on with their lives, leaving you to die in anguish. Is that what you really want? Please, stop to think about it. And stay strong!

Also, for cases such as bullying, trust me. I have been through those times before. It definitely isn't easy but you learn many important things from your bullies no? Like how to make others angry, how to ward off such treatment, and finally, how to strengthen yourself so as to defend yourself against such attacks. It will help you mature mentally. Hence, sometimes we have to stop and think about all the positive parts of a problem. Also, there is a phrase "There is always sunshine after a little rain" right? Sadness is not permanent. Strive onwards and you shall reap its benefits.

On to light hearted matters, I HAVE FINISHED ALL MY MAJOR EXAMS! WHEEEEEEEEE IM SO HAPPY I THINK I CAN FLY TO HEAVEN HAHAHAHA. What a load off my shoulders! I will be completing all my random stories huehuehue. Oh and i updated "Unhappy Bride on Wattpad!
Take a look!

Haha yes There are alot of links in today's post i know :) Oh yes! Did I mention that I watched Solomon Kane yesterday? It was a lovely film. But centred alot on Christianity. So I suggest this to people who would like to learn about Christianity hahaha. Also, I share a name with one of the characters haha so its really cool. There is also a scene where they show how people were being crucifixed (?) And being nailed to the Cross so of course, viewers discretion advised.

Im sure you have thought about this at least once. Where is the humanity in people nowadays? Or should I say, where is the love? I written a short story regarding this issue, and that is my viewpoint in this matter. Do not judge. Judging - What is it? It is the act of proving that YOU are BETTER than someone else. So it is appreciated that no judging is made.


Where is the love? We were once so happy, so satisfied with the simplicity of life. Love was abundant,people cared for each other. One day war was declared, people killed each other, and blood spilled everywhere, tainting the land a crimson red. First came fear, then came bitterness. People stopped caring, and as the coldness bit into their hearts, they started becoming selfish.

What was once a warm and caring state, became a cold and horrible place to live in. Killing and looting were common as humanity slowly rotted away, allowing the Beast within us to be released from its chains.

The war was fought,everyone was spent. However, people have already lost some (if not all) of their humanity. Chaos still reign the Land, strangling people with its rope made of fear, terror, selfishness. It was the survival of the fittest. People ate others for survival, and cannibalism was hence, born.

One by one, the villagers disappeared, as one man stood in the horizon. A menancing curved blade decorated with blood splatter of his previous comrades lay by his side. An ugly scar was engraved into the left side on his face.

"I am... the last one standing.. Muahahaha, ahahahaha!!!"

Soon, he left the now deserted city, abandoned, lost in time. This survivor.. No.. This menace went about, corrupted people's thoughts, and embed the seed of evil in their hearts that blossomed into a hauntingly beautiful flower of death, symbolising the death of humanity. This is why, up till now, we are losing our humanity, little by little...