Saturday 6 April 2013

Hey hey yo yooo!

So I finally update my blog again! -slapped- Anyway, NAPFA IS OVERRRR YUSHHHH. But i did averagely. Is there even such a word hahahaha xD But yes , my sit and reach, only 35cm AHAHAHAHA That shows how inflexible i am.. ;w; Nii chan and I got 35 for sit and reach hahahaha

And Nii chan also helped me for 2.4km, by encouraging me on hahaha. And after we ran, we were given our placings. He got 5 and i got 6. But initially when i received it i overturned it by accident so it looked like a 9 and i asked Darren "Why did u give me 9?" He was like "upside down lahh" Omg i was so embarassed hahahaha. I was so revved up after the 2.4km run! It was fun :) Tiring, but fun

During recess, dhan and I went over tot he General office to see if her items were reported. But when we reached the foyer, i saw coach sitting there at the bench. My eyes literally popped out LOL. Me being my goofy self, just screamed 'HEY COACH!" then waved like a maniac hahahaha. he looked so awkward sitting there i swear. But anyways he was here to sign some papers thingy. I thought he would suddenly say that we have some training lol thank god he didnt! Anyway, dhan and I went back to the bball court to assemble and i decided to prank my all time favourite floorball buddy, Atika :D Her face was priceless! hehehehe and yes she was oh so furious hahaha but i still love her (no homo)

Anyway, Fairytail is really giving me alot of feels. ALOT of feels i tell you! im like ;w; omg nooooo dont give upppp and stuff like that. Its really really awesome. Gajeel and lily are adorable as a team! and the Exceeds Queen is so pretty

So yeaaaa :D

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