Wednesday 13 March 2013

Hey guys

So anyways, we had the St margs match today. We lost. Yep, we lost. 6-9. I guess i am pretty disappointed because i think i didnt really do well. Well, thats my POV at least. St margs really improved alot, and my teammates really played damn well. Its just me.. And my horrible skills. Dammit. I shouldve train harder, become faster, more agile, and maybe more bigger. But, i did my best. I think i can do better. And i will, against springfield.

My ankle and wrist are injured ._. Siann ah. tmr still got high jump. Ah wells, as long as i dont press my ankle it wont hurt.

I know today's post is short, but its basically a reflection of my match today so yea. Kay bai

Sunday 10 March 2013

Sup homies



and i realised that our next floorball game is like.. next friday.. owo So fast sia i not prepared. Somemore somemore coach said he might not be able to train us on wed. Damn. Ah wells.

I went to bugis yesterday! To go goalie shopping with the other goalies, and miss azizah, and coach (duh) LOL IT WAS FUN. LIKE REALLY REALLY. WUAHAHAH. Cause i came late, Coach had to pick me up because idk where his shop is at. Yep, he has a shop. Hes the official distributor of the new floorball brand named 'jedberg' sounds cool LOL But yea, so on the way there, since it was raining, i couldnt exactly hear what he was saying. And he was wearing nice clothes. LOL. pink. LOL

me:"eh yo coach "
coach:"you must have waited long -mumblemumble- Sorry im quite tired -mumblemumble-
me (in my head) Whats that gotta do with me HAHAHAH but LOL funny sia

Then there were those big puddles of water, coach being coach, gracefully jumped over it, and me? This big fat oaf just jumped into the puddle of water HAHAHA effectively splashing coach HAHAHAHA SORRY COACH I DIDNT MEAN TO BUT OH GOD HAHAHAHAHHA

yea i burst out laughing, and coach was like "youre having alot of fun hor"
and im like " HECK YEA!" then laughed again LOL i sound like some mad woman. but yea

then i was playing battle cats then i unlocked the dictionary so i realised that i was fighting a bisexual hippo. A BISEXUAL HIPPO HAHAHAHAHAHA i kept laughing then coach said that im wierd. again LOL

I MET THE NATIONAL GOALIE OH GOD OH GOD SAVE ME SOMEONE AHHHHH. She was about the same size as me, and it really boost my confidence in the sense that like "size doesnt matter" yea. so i was really happy. No offense, i expected her to be bigger size but, YAY.

Thats about it i guess, till next time. ciao